Sharon Goldberg, MD
Sharon Goldberg is an Integrative Internal Medicine Physician based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Her clinical interests include dietary, lifestyle and environmental modification to treat complex chronic disease. She has co-authored publications in the fields of dietary supplementation, autonomic nervous system assessment, and nutritional epidemiology and is currently Associate Professor of Medicine, Community Faculty at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine.
Dr. Goldberg received her MD from Tel-Aviv University in Israel, and Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene from the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Lima, Peru. She became interested in the emerging field of Clinical Electromagnetics in 2015 and is an editorial board member of Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine.
Bacterial Effects of EMF Exposure
A large body of literature demonstrates that electromagnetic fields, particularly radiofrequency radiation, impact growth patterns and antibiotic susceptibility of various microbes.
This talk will review key papers on bacterial and other microbial effects of EMFs and correlate clinically with possible health and epidemiologic concerns.
Friday 29 January 2021
Session 3 - Part 2 Panel Discussion Q&A
Sharon Goldberg MD
CME registrants only
Saturday 30 January 2021
Bacterial Effects of EMF Exposure
Saturday 30 January 2021
Session 4 - Part 1 Public Health Implications & Public Policy Review
Saturday 30 January 2021
Session 4 - Part 1 Panel Discussion/Q&A